
Thursday 7 July 2011

How To Motivate Yourself To Workout After Age 35

How To Motivate Yourself To Workout After Age 35

Getting yourself back into shape is never easy, especially when you're over 35-years old. Fitness is a case of "use it or lose it" and by middle age a lot of us have lost it. Here's some tips on how to motivate yourself to workout after the age of 35.You will need:
1 Sneakers
1 Workout Outfit

Step 1: Have Fun

Choose an activity that you enjoy doing. If you sign up for dance classes but have two left feet you may give up prematurely. The important thing is to start exercising so you can get your body and heart rate moving to get back into shape.
Step 2: Find A Buddy

Exercising with a friend promotes positive peer pressure. You and your friend can set fitness goals and help push each other to achieve them.
Step 3: Get Appropriate Clothing And Accessories

Make sure to have clothes that are comfortable and you like to wear. If you don't like the way your workout clothes it may kill your motivation to workout. The accessories required are determined by what type of exercise you choose to do.
Step 4: Pay Upfront

Pay upfront for your workout activity. Knowing that you'll loose money if you don't show up will help motivate you.
Step 5: Change It Up

If you have a workout that you enjoy, be sure to incorporate other forms of exercise into your routine. This will keep you interested and produce better overall physical results by working various muscle groups.
Step 6: Take Small Steps

Be realistic with yourself and your goals, knowing that change takes time. Stick to your exercise routine and you will be happily surprised at the speed, flexibility and strength that working out provides.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Winning The Mental Game of Health for Your Life!

1. Your Unique & Powerful Reasons

No matter how simple the formula, until your mind is firmly pointed in the right direction, it’s impossible to win the mental game of health for life. Over the coming weeks, I’d like to share some of my best strategies for success in this area, ones that that I’ve used myself and with hundreds of clients.

I can always tell within just a few minutes of talking with someone whether they are truly ready to make a success of the alkaline diet. The first thing I look for is powerful reasons. Until your reasons for wanting to make a change in this area of life become stronger and more profound than the current circumstances and challenges, then nothing will really change – no matter how “easy” the recipe. In other words, the habits and patterns that got you here, simply won’t get you there.

Your powerful reasons will be of 2 types – towards pleasure or away from pain. Away from pain is often a great way to get started. When we hit what Tony Robbins calls “threshold” then we’re no longer willing to settle for this level of pain or challenge in our lives any longer. This occurred for me in June 2007 when I got into a lift in London at the end of a long, hard day of corporate training. The lift had mirrors on all 4 sides and I was suddenly confronted by the image of a stressed-out, overweight, tired, middle-aged man in the lift. I was definitely the only person in there and literally didn’t recognise myself ! Many people will relate to this sense of shock at something which has happened almost imperceptibly suddenly becoming very apparent (perhaps when trying on that new swimming costume for the first time this summer ?) So crank up the pain – feel the pain and you’ll be much more motivated to do something about it.

Your second set of powerful reasons will be “towards” motivated – in other words, you can imagine the pleasure when the goal is received. (I’m using “received” deliberately because “achieving” goals just seems like hard work at times). Write down why you’ll feel great when the goal is received and feel the pleasure – luxuriate in it!

Please write down your own away from and towards motivators – put the list somewhere you can see it every day and focus on the feelings that your unique and powerful reasons create for you. For even greater impact, share the reasons with a loved one or close friend.

I look forward to connecting and sharing with you again very soon, Andrew

Article by Andrew Bridgewater

Energise Alkaline Diet & Natural Health Blog